Some critics take me to task and I reply

Recently, I boosted a page on Facebook with a link to the post on this website called “What they are saying about Psychedelic Christianity.” Some people who saw the post took on the role of critics, taking me to task for what they thought I must have said in the book which they haven’t read. I, along with some others, replied to what they said. Here are the comments and replies (capitalizations and punctuation as they appeared):

Maureen Delaney wrote: Everything you need to know about God and His great love for you can be found in the Bible. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for your sins; that if you would accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, repenting for your sins and obeying Him, you would spend eternity in Heaven with Him. This author is a deceiver and his book will lead people astray.

Dave Pilkington replied to Maureen Delaney as follows: After years of watching mankind murder rape and destroy each other. The only thing this Mythical God can think to do is to send his son down to earth to be Tortured and crucified. Well that took a lot of thought didn’t it.

So how did that ridiculous act help Mankind? What exactly has it done to stop Murderers Rapists the physical abuse of young boys by Church members young girls some as young as 11 sold to old men to Rape and beat. Terrorist blowing innocent people up. So Jesus’s death has achieved Nothing. We are still a Barbaric race. There are so many different beliefs in Religion so many Gods Who is the True God? Islam the so called Religion of Peace preaches There can be only one God and that’s Allah. What ever part of the world you are born that’s the religion you are taught. So who is the true God? that’s if there is a God. It’s going to be a real bummer if you have been praying to the wrong one.

Maureen Delaney replied to Dave Pilkington: Christianity offers a deep and personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the price for man’s sins on the Cross with the shedding of His precious blood. Mankind is guilty of every evil wickedness that is known; Jesus, not only redeems us, but gives us the power to change. I am speaking of true Christians who follow and obey Him, not those who claim to be Christians and continue in rebellion against God.

I replied to Dave Pilkington: If you think it is a myth, then try to understand it in mythical terms. It seems to me you are trying to have it both ways — condemning it as a myth (but myths can convey truth, can’t they?) and interpreting it literally to condemn it as nonsensical. The story is that God became human in order to understand what it is like to suffer as a human. I think Maureen is right to point out that it is unfair to judge an entire religion based on the sins of some its followers, especially when that religion teaches that we are all sinners. The question is whether the great Christian themes of forgiveness and the duty to love one’s neighbor are true and worthy ideals we should do our best to follow.

I then asked Maureen Delaney: What makes you think I am a deceiver?

She replied: The Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia. Unless needed for medical reasons, it is an abomination to God. will give you more information. You are so wrong and leading others astray.

I replied: If you think the etymology of the word settles the issue, why do you think it is OK to use drugs for medical reasons? Where in the Bible does it say that it is an abomination to use drugs for reasons other than the ones you would deem to be medical? Is taking the wine in Holy Eucharist done for medical reasons?

She replied: Please read the If you need drugs to find God, then you have a very big problem. The Bible explicitly says that you must be born again to inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 12 speaks of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the supernatural gifts that Holy Spirit gives. This leads to greater revelation of God and His Kingdom. If you think that God in any way promotes the use of drugs to find Him you are greatly deceived. People using drugs under a doctor’s care are using it because of the pain they are dealing with, not because they think it will help them find or understand God.

And I replied: Well, psychedelic experiences made me more interested in religion, and now I am a Christian. I looked at the blogspot, and it seems to me overly concerned with criticizing others for falling short.

Another critic, James McCullough, made this remark: Don’t believe in false teachings that tickle your ears.

I replied: Right! And don’t believe in ones that don’t tickle your ears either!

Doris Caver trenchantly commented: There are books that I know not to read. The two words in the title are oxymoron.

replied as follows: The word “psychedelic” was coined by Dr. Humphrey Osmond in 1956 to describe what he had experienced as a result of ingesting LSD and mescaline. He used two Greek roots, “psyche,” a noun, and “deloun,” a verb, to form the adjective or noun “psychedelic.” Psyche means “the soul, mind, spirit; breath; life, one’s life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body; understanding” Deloun means “to make visible, to reveal.” How is any of that the opposite of Christianity?

Doris Caver did not reply.

Another critic, Sandy Carr, posted the following comment: Galatians 1:8. Paul writes But though we, or an Angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. This article is another gospel and has nothing to do with the gospel preached by Christ and the Apostles.

To which I responded by asking: What have I said that you think is contrary to the gospel?

Sandy Carr’s answer: We have no need for drugs to enhance our experience with God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is enough. We have all we need and it is very clear in the Bible. You are adding to the Word when you suggest any thing more. And what I quoted from Galatians is true. You are preaching another Gospel.

replied: I don’t claim that we need drugs to enhance our experience with God, but I do claim that psychedelic substances can cause experiences that are just like the kind of thing that happened to Saul on the road to Damascus, and there is nothing in the Bible that I am aware of that says otherwise. Who are you to say what is and what is not the work of the Holy Spirit?

In response, Sandy Carr reiterated: You are adding to the gospel and leading people in the wrong direction by even suggesting that.

Another commenter, Mark Wright, directed the following remark to Maureen Delaney, and perhaps Doris Caver and Sandy Carr also: Read it before you condemn it.

I responded: Thank you for that, Mark!

And Maureen Delaney responded: Read the Bible and you will have all the truth you need.

To which Mark Wright replied: I’ve read the Bible, its not for me I’m afraid. I just felt moved to comment after reading some of the posts, no tolerance or debate, or the willingness to share or discuss. It’s this attitude by some Christians that puts people off.

Malcolm Cooper remarked: I want some of the drugs that he’s been on.

Betty Gutierrez posted the following comment: Narrow is the gate to heaven and wide is the road to destruction. Only one way to heaven And that is through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jeffrey Zablotsky then posted this: And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” 😉

By the way, everyone who is reading this, you do know that you can comment on this website, under Contact Us?